May 03, 2016 1 min read

It isn't often that we say goodbye to a category of products at Eighty Sixed, especially those that have proven to be quite popular amongst our fans. However, since we are constantly striving to improve the quality of our products - occasionally we'll make the decision to make a permanent change on a product for the better. Our collection of keychains is a perfect example.

We are sad to say goodbye to our Aluminum keychains. They're great designs and make great companions for your keys! This will ultimately be your last chance to pick them up - so don't miss out and regret it later!

The good news is that we are working hard to increase our collection of rubber keychains - like the Skullgirls ones we released last Back Friday. Our next set of five are on their way, as well as so many others for several of our other games - so definitely stay tuned! 

What are your thoughts on our rubber keychains, and which characters would you like to see next in our store? 

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